
Wednesday 17 November 2021

Using Online and Print Resources


Ph.D. Coursework

Paper – 1 Research Methodology

Using Online and Print Resources


This 21st century is known as 'The Age of Knowledge and Information' and 'The Age of Technology'. So currently in the field of higher Education students have many opportunities to learn, acquire knowledge and information from various platforms and in many ways like e-resources are available as well as print resources are used. Specially as a scholar, researcher has to use various reading resources to work on their research area and expand the horizon of knowledge. This paper aims to discuss the online and print resources which are useful, importance of citing sources, need to archives the sources and practical advice of how to access those sources etc. 


Keywords : Online resources, print resources, citation, archive the sources.



Major difference between undergraduate and postgraduate Study is that UG level teacher provides all the materials and give lectures but in post-graduation specially in Ph.D research, greater emphasis given to the Importance of independent research in the higher education. As a scholar, researcher has to do many things like identify various reading resources, locate resources appropriately, cite those sources accurately, evaluate and archive sources properly and remain up to date with the new developments and emerging trends of the specific research area or topic etc.

So, for the detail study, researcher has to use different reading resources because now in this digital age, there is greater demands and paradigm shift. So, in order to fulfil the changing needs, researcher need to use both online resources as well as print resources for their research work. Because in early time, only print resources were available but now time is totally changed. In the age of internet and technology researcher cannot rely only on the print resources but have to use some online sources on the other side these traditional methods of visit library and reading books are also beneficial we cannot avoid it. So, researcher should use both the platforms for better research work and good knowledge.


Aims and objectives of study

  • To introduce the online and print resources.
  • To explain the importance of citing and archive the sources.


Meaning and definition of online and print resources

1. Online resources - 

In general, web pages and documents on the internet that provide useful information. While an online resource is typically data and educational in nature, any support software available online can also be considered a resource. 

2. Print resources – 

Print form resources are those learning resources are published on paper medium which is called as print resources. These types of resources are also known as traditional based reading resources. Print resources were more popular before the arrival of electronic resources and now it is found existence in all the libraries except digital library.


Advantages and challenges of using Online resources -

 Advantages - 

  • Online resources are very user-friendly. Anyone can use, share and download.
  • Easy to access anytime from anywhere. No time limit or rules to follow. Only appropriate device and good internet are required. 
  • Online sources are easily portable.
  • It is quickly available for all the branches of education and provide global level information, so online resources are time saving not time consuming and online resources are very up to date with all the changes.
  • Not expensive.
  • For the researcher, online mode is very easy to publish and circulate anything.
  • Easy to archive everything.
  • Help in save papers.
  • Online resources are editable easily and locate the detail information appropriately.



  • Not everything is online. Many wrong information is available also so on those types of online platforms we cannot rely or use.
  • It is expensive also. To use some good online resources, we need subscription and have to pay fees also electronic equipment’s and internet are required.
  • For longer periods of time using screen can harm on readers eyes.
  • Online resources are depending on electricity.
  • Online resources are not always accurate or authenticated.
  • Users face network problems especially in rural area.
  • Online resources can be corrupt, damage and lost anytime.


Advantages and challenges of using Print resources -

 Advantages - 

  • Print resources are very easy to carry and handle anywhere anytime.
  • Print resources cannot harm to readers eyes while reading.
  • It is user friendly so very easy to make notes and highlight in Print materials.
  • Easy to archive. Print resources can be preserved for long time so there is no risk for corrupt or damage.
  • Reader can get sense of originality when they read from print resources.
  • Printed resources are more accurate or authentic in nature.


Challenges -

  • Print resources are limited and not everything is available in Print form.
  • Difficulty in portability because it is very hard to carry from one place to another.
  • Print resources occupies space.
  • Print resources are expensive in use.
  • In print resources it is very difficult to edit, make changes and to add something once printed.
  • For use of print resources like from library required license or I -card, permission etc.


   Researcher has to use primary and secondary sources for the research. For that any researcher has to use online resources as well as print resources to collect data and information. So as a research scholar, we have to know about which types of Online resources and print resources are available and how to use it wisely in a proper way. So, here various online and print resources are discussed.


'Always record the route you take, whether via online or printed sources'.


Online Resources: -

          For using online resources or electronic resources, researcher required basic knowledge and skills of using internet, searching, ability to use web browser, computing expertise, use of Microsoft word, to book mark websites and download and export data etc. Practice is also required for using electronic resources because, 'Preparation is key to effectiveness in scholarly research'. First identify what is available online and familiarize yourself with online resources through public access websites. 

(1) Internet

The Internet is a multimedia resource – you will find not just text, but images, video clips, audio material and so on. With the help of internet everything is possible in a very easy way. Researcher has now all the information on their fingers. With help of internet user can access all the materials, libraries, online course, websites, attend webinars and conferences, publish papers and books, online tutorial, many open access resources available on internet. Through this practice researcher can develop their search skills and know about how to evaluate data and information.

   (2) Google

Google provides various facilities so that doing work will be very easy. Through Google researcher can search, read, download any information from anywhere and anytime. Specially all the Google Apps are very useful in research. Specially researcher can mostly use Google Scholar and Google Book. 

 Google Scholar allowed you to search a range of articles, books, scholarly publication of various discipline. Google Books offers virtual library. Copyright books can open with limited pages and non-copyright books can open, read, print and download also. But two important things researcher should keep in mind that while using Google books kindly check that bibliographies is available appropriately or not in any particular book. Second whatever books researcher will use but they have to copy the URL of that book at same time while using it for work citation. Because otherwise you have to search it again that book which is sometimes difficult as well as time consuming and some time again it can't available.

(3) Wikipedia 

Wikipedia is world's largest encyclopedia. It is open access site for anyone and from anywhere. Anyone can edit and add information because it's work collaboratively. Wikipedia provides authors biography, external links and cites for further information. There are some key advantages are there for using Wikipedia site like, 

Online reading sources can be editing and updating frequently so information available is up to date. Wikipedia provides recent events and developments before compare to other sites. As a researcher or anyone can create a password and user ID of Wikipedia, because Wikipedia will allow you to contribute social construction of knowledge by joining some forums and can checking sours and content accuracy, adding some information, provide suggestions and guidance, give other sites and external links etc. This Wikipedia page is very easy to cite.

In using Wikipedia there are some challenges also like, anyone can make changes in Wikipedia and on internet information are overloaded so it is risky also. Many wrong information is also available on internet. So as a researcher use this resource wisely and develop your own comparative evaluative skills for accessing information and crosscheck that information is useful in your research work or not. 

 (4) e - books

There are number of books and many scholarly primary titles are available online as a e - books. So, it is great resource to read online and download also. Bartleby, Kindle, Amazon's e - book reader system, Project Gutenberg, Literature online etc provides various e-reading resources. This type of reading facilities can save time, efforts and travel expenses also. 

 (5) Online dictionaries

There are number of online dictionaries are available online which is very helpful for researchers during reading and writing research papers, articles and thesis. This type of online dictionaries gives appropriate meaning of the particular word and provide synonyms and antonyms of that word. For example, researcher can use Oxford English dictionary, thesaurus etc. These types of dictionaries use online as well as download in your devices.

 (6) Digital Library

In the era of science and technology now library also available online. So, this will be more beneficial to researchers, students and reader to use this. ACM Digital Library, Government of India has created National Digital Library of India for students of all subject. It contains 4 crore 60 lakhs books. 

 (7) e - journal

 e - journals provides authentic knowledge and information on various topics related to the particular area of researchers. Journals are available online of various disciplines so researcher can choose their area and brows. For example, in ELT area some online journals are very helpful like Cambridge University Press, EBSCO Databases - Communication & Mass Media Collection, Jstor, Oxford University Press, Sage Publication, Scopus, Web of Science, Springer, I - scholar, Shodh Sindhu etc. During literature review these journals will help a lot to researchers to identify that which kind of work already done in their area and particularly in the particular topic.

(8) Blog 

Blog is very innovative and latest resource for researcher. Many intelligent people are writing blogs on various topics which can help in research like on films, novels, historical places and many more. It is very easy to access. Researcher can write and publish their own blogs also in their research area.

 (9) Academic websites

Many websites like Research gate and are very fruitful websites to researchers to read research papers and articles on their research area. So, it will be benefited during literature review. Researcher can also publish their research papers and articles on this platform.

(10) Online Course

To learn more related to the research area researcher should join various online courses related to their research area so through this researcher will get more information and knowledge on that particular topic. Some online courses are free and some are paid certificate course. For example, MOOC, Edx, Coursera, Khan Academy etc. These courses are easy to access and with punctuality within given time students can complete this course. 

 (11) Multimedia 

Movies, You Tube, Web series, documentary are also very helpful Multimedia resources to the research scholar. Because some topics related sources researcher can take from this. 

 (12) Shodhganga and Shodhgangotari

Researcher can find thesis and synopsis on Shodhganga and Shodhgangotari. Just search particular topic or research area so easily it is available online. University vice also available. So, researcher can get idea that what research have been done in that particular area and what research work still remain in that area. So, in literature review it is helpful to read from this particular resources. Now researcher has to digitally locate their thesis on this website compulsory. So, it is easy and beneficial for future researchers as well to get information related topics and other aspects.


Print resources

As time change, reading resources and technology updated but in 21st century many people still using radio when television is also available. In same way online resources are there but print or physical resources are still in demand and researcher use these resources. The creation of a new medium does not necessarily invalid-date the former ones. 

 (1) Library 

To use library and read books is one of the best habits of any person. When we talk about researcher, he or she must have to visit library and search books there. Visit University library, central library, other states and National and International libraries also to find reading sources. This is old technique but still working well. When you read books in library you can feel the atmosphere of that place. Some old books and copies are preserved in libraries not available online. Researcher can use journals, articles and different magazines also related to the area. To read from physical copy you can get amazing feeling of originality. To search books on your own is best practice as well and researcher can spend more time with books in library.

(2) Newspapers

Whether your research is historical or contemporary, newspapers provide an important source of book and performance reviews, publishers’ advertising, serialisations, editorial comments and author interviews, articles and information. Increasingly, some of important newspapers like Times of India, Indian Express, Hindustan Times etc. One major benefit of reading newspaper is you can keep yourself up to date with the current information and knowledge.

 (3) Dictionary

 Researcher should always carry dictionary or thesaurus with him or her. During writing and reading it will help you to understand some difficult words and jargons better. For example, Oxford English Dictionary is good. 

 (4) Theses

To refer previous theses is important for researchers. So, in library researcher can easily identify the theses of related to their area of interest. Theses is big reading resource and help to know that what research have been already done and what will still remain to do. So in literature review also researcher can use it.

 Importance of citing sources

Citing resources is ethically and legally very important work for all researchers. Cite each and every thing which is used directly or indirectly from online or offline sources. All sources, whether online, printed or unpublished, need to be cited as fully and as accurately as possible. Before using any sources check the work cited and bibliographies of that work. 

Accessing and using archives: practical advice

During research each and every thing researcher should archive from first to last steps of their research. Locate and archive everything is the best practice to save your time and will use anytime in future as well. Maintain everything perfectly and take backup and save everything well. 

Participating in a research community and keeping up to date

So, what are the benefits from joining scholarly learned societies, and what expenses are you likely to incur?

Presentations, workshops, networking

As a researcher to participate in various conferences, webinars, Seminar, workshop is very Important and fruitful as well. Make your 'Research Community'. Communicate with scholars, other researchers, professors, librarians they all are knowledgeable. To join scholarly learned people’s society will provide more benefits in the particular area.  Attending conference and Seminar will give confidence and through this knowledge of this area will improve. Conferences, seminars, workshops and symposia are also the venues where academics meet one another – so if you are thinking of graduate study and research as a part of career, this is an essential part of your career development and will give you a more immediate sense of scholarship in your area of study and Networking you can built through this. Conferences, workshops, seminars or electronic publications specifically aimed at postgraduate students. There is a growing awareness throughout the tertiary-education sector that students learn and acquire skills very effectively from one another. Events organized specifically for postgraduate students will offer an excellent venue for networking with fellow researchers, allow you to exchange ideas in a less intimidating setting, and perhaps shape your first publication – all of these are key skills for good research. Regularly attending conferences and research seminars will ensure that you remain up to date about the major trends and developments in your area of research. With the help of social media, for example - Facebook researcher can join their research community, topic related groups etc. meet scholars through the social media etc. 

To sum up

So, researcher can use online and print both resources. Because online and print resources are crucial and needed in the research work. This assignment suggests various sources and some good skills which can help a lot to researcher for their research work.


Correa, Delia da Sousa and W R Owens. The Handbook to Literary Research. Londonn and New Yourk: Routledge, 2010.

G, Annapure S and Ajay M Pandit. n.d. October 2021. <>.

What is Online Resources. n.d. October 2021. <>.

Wu, Michelle M. "Why Print and Electronic Resources Are Essential to the Acdemic Law Library." ResearchGate 2005.







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