
Wednesday 17 November 2021

Functional Approach to Learn English Language

Ph. D Coursework
Paper – 3     Functional Approach to Learn English Language

Introduction: -
English language teacher all over the world scuffle with the challenges of teaching grammar and how it should be taught?  Questions regarding how to teach it? Because in English language there are various approaches are available and time and again different approaches proposed to teaching English language and grammar. Teachers still have dilemma that which approach should be appropriate to teach grammar. As Krashen distinguished between ‘acquisition’ and ‘learning’. Development of language proficiency and language acquisition. Language should be acquired naturally and for that teacher should provide inputs to the students. Generally, teachers teach traditional grammar methods and their forms and rules to the students to teach English language.  So many a times debates can be raised on usage of grammar.
This assignment explains what is the Functional approach? Discuss about How it help to teach English grammar and language to the students.? What is functional grammar? Key concept in functional grammar. How functional grammar is different from traditional grammar? Implementation of functional approach in teaching and learning second language and various functional activities to teach English. The purpose of this assignment is to help EFL teachers and have an overall understanding of functional approach. 
Key words: -
Functional approach, English language, Grammar, Classroom Teaching and Learning.
Use of various approaches and methods for English Language Teaching.
Earlier in school and colleges grammar should taught mainly two different ways 1) Functional 2) Formal. After that in English Language teaching various approaches and methods are use like Grammar translation method, Oral Approach, Natural Approach, Audio lingual method etc. For example, Grammar translation method is oldest one. In which language teaching is doing by translating for example to teach L2 learner can take help of native language to understand and translate L1, written sentence level grammar etc. Other is structural approach incorporated with structure of the sentence, pattern practice etc. Then slowly and steadily importance of communicative competence increase that communication is very important and for that fluency should be required. For that Dell Hymes, a Sociolinguist was coined term Communicative competence which are also focuses on language learning and teaching. There are four competences are important like,
1)     Grammatical competence
2)     Discourse competence
3)     Sociolinguistic competence
4)     Strategic competence
After those changes can be seen that grammar is important and needed for language learning but the how language is naturally written and spoken that is also very important point. So, the necessary is teaching grammar for communicative skills, and this paradigm shifts some teaching and learning needs, purpose of language learning. A major outcome of this shift in changing is the thinking of using and emerging need of using communicative language with the interest in grammar as it relates with its function, discourse, text, authentic and functional use of language.
Functional Approach – Systematic Functional Linguistics: A social    Theory of Grammar
Functional approach – Systematic Functional Linguistic (SFL) is developed by Michael Halliday in the year 1960s. This approach mainly focuses on written and spoken skills. Language should be operated in social context and situation. Language is use for functional purposes. Halliday’s classic book is “An Introduction to Functional Grammar”. This book focuses on grammar should be use functional rather than formal. It is functional in three distinct senses 1) of texts 2) of the system 3) of the elements of the linguistic structure.  Functional grammar based on social and cultural context. Functional grammar means use of language. First is text means functional grammar is how language is used and that text is easy to understand. Second is system, the fundamental components of meaning in language are functional components. According to the analysis of Halliday, all languages are organized around two kinds of meaning, the ‘ideational’ and the ‘interpersonal’. Combined with these two is a third component, the ‘textual’, which breathes relevance into the other two. In the third sense, each element in a language is explained by reference to his function in the total linguistic system.
Based on Halliday’s modal, Thompson explains the three meta functions of functional grammar in an informal way as follow: 1) We use language to talk about our experience of the world, including the world in our mind, to describe events and states and the entities involved in them. 2) We also use language to interact with other people, to established and maintain relation with them, to influence their behaviour, to express our own viewpoint on things in the world, and to elicit or change theirs. 3) Finally, in using language, we organize our messages in ways which indicate how they fit the other messages around them and wider context in which we are talking or writing. How people use grammar for communication or speaking for their specific purposes. Functional grammar is Natural grammar.
Key concepts in Functional Grammar
Functional grammar has many concepts which help to provide clear explanation of them. Functional grammar has its own characteristics. It works for communicative purpose. In functional grammar functions and systems, hierarchical raking of units, word order, word groups, functions of sentence, theme, transitivity and clause complex.
Relationship between spoken and written language
Halliday mentioned that spoken and written language are related to each other. But thought the kinds of meaning transmitted in writing is different from the kind of meaning transmitted in speaking. Speaking and writing serve different people and for different social context and their different purposes. During speaking, speakers use their natural utterance, common vocabulary and particular language pattern that is totally different from writing. Writing is use for perfect sentence structure and it’s use in a different context. Though the same text is use for both speaking and writing even we find changes in both.
Difference in nature between functional grammar and traditional grammar
Functional grammar is new and modern approach to teach and learn English grammar. It is different from traditional grammar. Fundamental difference between traditional and functional grammar is that Traditional grammar is form based and functional grammar is meaning based. Traditional grammar follows rules for perfect sentence structure but functional grammar teaches how sentences use in communication because functional approach is for communication purpose and language is look at as a system of meaning. Traditional grammar is set of rules on the other side functional grammar is meaning making grammar.
Functional grammar can help learners to use language in real life context, in a social and cultural context while traditional grammar is mainly concerned with how language use correctly in writing format, not teach its practical way of using in real life context. So, as per the above discussion between traditional and functional grammar there is vast different in both. However, their practices, method and purposes and application for teaching learning grammar are quite different.
Implications for English Teaching and Learning
Functional grammar is more sociological in orientation. Functional grammar is for communicative perspective. So, for EFL students this method of learning grammar is very helpful. In schools and colleges, Students learn traditional grammar so they know language as a set of rules. But functional grammar teaches how to use language for communicative point of view, how to use language in different situations. Functional grammar will help students in analysis of text. Integration of Functional grammar will help to learn and teach language more practical way. Specially students of EFL can get benefits through this because they are weak in English specially in writing and speaking language.
The most apparent practical classroom application of functional descriptions of language was found in the development of functional syllabuses, more popularly notional – functional syllabuses. The “functional” part of the notional – functional syllabus corresponded to what we have define above as language functions. Curricula were organized around such functions as identifying, reporting, denying, declining an invitation, asking permission, apologizing etc.  Functional syllabuses remain today in modified form. A typical current language textbook will list a sequence of communicative functions that are covered.
·       Introducing self and other people
·       Exchanging personal information
·       Asking how to spell someone’s name
·       Giving commands
·       Apologizing and thanking
·       Identifying and describing people
·       Asking for information
This conversation practice can do with classmate, interactive, group work, role play, grammar and pronunciation.
Halliday’s Seven Functions of Language
Michael Halliday outlined seven important language functions, which is used for purposive communication.
1)     The Instrumental function - This is communicative act. Ex – Don’t touch the stove.
2)     The regulatory function – The regulatory function of language is the control of events. For ex- rules, approval, disapproval, laws etc.
3)     The representational function – The representational function is use of language to make a statement convey facts and knowledge. For ex – The sun is hot.
4)     The interactional function – This interactional function work for communicative purpose. For successful interactional communication require knowledge of jargon, jokes, folklore, cultural mores etc.
5)     The personal function - It is person’s individuality to use of his or her personal function of language. It allows a speaker to express feelings and emotions.
6)     To know something questions arise and it led towards the answers. For examples – children. Children asks various questions related to many things because they are curious to know more.
7)     The imaginative function – This function serves to create imaginary systems or ideas. For that fairy tale, poetry, joking, noels, tongue twisters all are uses for imaginative function.
These all functions will help to learn language. One single sentence may incorporate with different functions. Learner should have to prepare with words, vocabulary, lexical items, syntax, nonverbal signals etc.
                 Functional activities for students
1)     Introducing self and others – Self introduction is an important part of communication skills. Students will be able to introduced themselves as well as others in formal and informal way. This introduction activity work in small class sizes.
2)     Let’s name it – Students will be able to identified noun and pronouns in the sentence. For that do the activities like 1) The Longest List 2) Guess the sport
3)     Describing people – Students will be able to use language to describe people, place and events around us. Give a task in group.
4)     Passing the verb game – Students can pass verb like passing the parcel.
5)     Pair work, Team work and large group discussion for learning every day English.
6)     Motivate students to engage in listening and reading activities and learn new words in a context.
7)     Give the task to students that frame different types of sentences on recently visited any place, on Navratri function of your college.
8)     Paragraph writing and story writing.
9)     Q & A session
10) In pair work arrange the telephonic conversation.
11) Give a particular topic to students and write an email.
Functional grammar has significance in teaching and learning English language. Functional approach has opened the wide research filed ELT. Functional grammar provides a new view language as a communicative resource whose goal is to create meaning.
Brown, H Douglas. Principles of language Learning And Teaching . Person Longman, n.d.

Burns, Anne. "Functional approach to teaching Teaching English grammar to speakers of other languages." researchgate 2016: 24.

Feng, Zhiwen. "Functional Grammar and Its Implications for English Teaching and Learning." English Language Teaching 2013.

"Finishing School Trainers Manual." n.d.

Halliday, M A.K. Introduction To Functional Grammar. Routledge, n.d.

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