PhD Coursework
Paper – 2
English Language Teaching has various techniques of teaching and learning English language or L2. Teaching methods of English language are constantly developing and changing time to time and different strategies are used. Many times, it can create questions and confusion that how to teach English language to fulfil the learners needs. So, various Approaches and Methods are very useful to enhance and emphasis on learning and teaching English language. Here researcher tries to study that which Approaches and Methods of English Language Teaching (ELT) are used in earlier period and currently which Approaches and Methods are being used and practices in ELT. Through this study researcher wants to find out most significant methods and approaches that language teachers can use today to teach English Language in classroom in different ways.
ELT, Methods, Approaches, Techniques
A brief history of language teaching
In the current time, world population is bilingual or multilingual. So, people have knowledge of at least two or three languages. Specially country like India, we have various languages as a mother tongue but English is our (L2) or we can define it as a second language. English is the world's most widely studied foreign language. Before English language, Latin was dominant language in the field of education, commerce, religion, government etc in the western world. In 16th century, Latin became language of spoken and written communication. Classical Latin was taught and focus was given to grammar. Children were entering in "grammar school" in 16th to 18th century. In 18th century 'modern' languages began to enter and in 19th century Latin had various standard way of studying. After this Grammar Translation Method used by learners. In this method more emphasis given to teaching of grammar and translation is a way to study that language. More focus given on the reading and writing skills. This Grammar Translation Method worked from 1840 to 1946 in the world and today also it is widely practiced. This Grammar Translation Method is quite old method to teach English language.
After this Reform movement began in mid-19th century. People were refused Grammar Translation Method and focus should be given to teach and learn modern languages. In the reform movement, greater emphasis given to spoken language not to the grammar. Reform movement was interested in developing naturalistic principal of language learning which came to known as the Direct method.
Direct method focuses on the target language and teaching points were introduced orally. Oral communication skills were built up in Direct method.
Difference between Approaches, Methods and Techniques
In 1963 the American applied linguist Edward Anthony introduced three levels of conceptualization and association, which he labelled Approaches, methods and techniques. According to Anthony, "The arrangement is hierarchical. The organizational key is that techniques carry out a method which is consistent with an approach."
Method - Method is overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural.
Techniques - A technique is implementational that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, strategy or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. Techniques must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as well.
Approach - Design - procedure
Richards and Rogers in 1982 approach expanded on Anthony's three level framework. Approach, design and procedure. Approach means pedagogical theory. Design means materials and procedure means what is done in the classroom.
For examples -
Teacher - This is a pen.
Students - This is a pen.
Teacher - That is a window.
Students - That is a window.
(2) The Structural Approach: -
All languages have their own structure and acquire any particular language learner should have to follow particular pattern of this language. Through structural approach learner can learn English language fluently. Structural approach teaches to learn sentence structure, pattern of sentences in a very systematic way in which learner learn how and where to use particular words, sequence of sentences, arrangement of words etc. The structural approach is a technique where in the learner master the pattern of sentence. It includes various modes, patterns, phrases etc. It is known that language should be learn in a scientific way of selection in a sentence pattern, structures and vocabulary.
This approach as Kripa K. Gautam states "is based on the belief that language consists of 'structures' and that the mastery of these structures is more important than the acquisition of vocabulary. Since structure is what is important and unique about a language, early practice should focus on mastery of phonological and grammatical structures rather than on mastery of vocabulary." Kulkarni "emphasizes the teaching and learning of the basic items or materials that constitute the framework of language." Whereas according to Yardi 'structures' as an "internal ordering of linguistic item", and further adds that structures may be defined as "device that we use to make signal, to convey meanings, and indicate relationship." (Wikipedia)
This way of learning will be beneficial for students because they can achieve mastery over language. It is related with grammar and other functional skills like LSRW. This approach also known as aural-oral approach.
For examples: -
1. Mahi broke his toy.
The toy broke Mahi.
2. I ate an apple.
I am eating an apple.
3. 3. I play
He plays
4. 4. Boy, two boys, Great - Greater - Greatest
Learners should develop
self-confidence, anxiety and motivation for second language acquisition.
Teacher should present more comprehensible inputs, use more visual aids and
main focus should be given on listening and reading and speaking should be
emerge automatically. Meaningful Communication is central point of this
The Natural Approach
"is for beginners and is designed to help them become intermediates."
Natural Approach is
primarily designed to develop basic communication skills - both oral and
written. Purpose of a language course will vary according to the needs of the
students and their particular interests. To teach second language teacher
should use charts, pictures, advertisement, visual aids, mime, dialogues in
pairs, group work activities etc. In this approach learner’s role is to
participate well and teacher’s role is to make interesting and friendly atmosphere
of class and give practical activities to learners.
So, through this way
learners acquires both first and target language in nonformal atmosphere and in
natural way. This approach rejects the formal grammatical organization of
The functional approach
given by Michael Halliday and J.R.Firth. They provided one of the best
expositions of language functions, used the term to mean the purposive nature
of communication. Functional approach teaches to use language for functional
purpose. Because language can be learned for different perspectives here the
main purpose is to use language for specific purpose. Halliday provided seven
different functions of language:
The instrumental function
The regulatory function
The representational function
The interactional function
The personal function
The heuristic function
· The imaginative function
Functional approach also known as a functional notional approach.
lexical approach is a method of teaching foreign language described by Michael
Lewis in early 1990s. This approach mainly focuses on lexical phrases and
chunks. In which mainly students taught to be able about perceive pattern of
language and meaningful sentence structure. Lexical approach focusses on
vocabulary that how vocabulary use during dialogue. Chunks and phrases are
important to teach because during speaking second language fluency is important
and without chunks or expression it is not possible. Common lexical chunks
include: ever, been, seen, heard and good morning, thank you etc.
This approach is learner centered approach. This approach teaches not only grammatical competence but
social skills that how to say, why to say and when and where to say. This
approach mainly focusses on fluency, accuracy, appropriateness. Hear teacher’s
role is a co-participant not an authoritarian master. The goal of this approach
is to make learners communicatively competence. In this approach, the teacher
is seen as a facilitator of his or her students in learning process then
correct errors. Teacher should use target language fluently and appropriately.
Students use the content of language and social functions mainly not just
linguistic structures. Students can do pair work, role play, drama and try to
communicate in different social context. The teacher should focus on developing
skills of the students. This approach emphasizes the communicative capability
of the learners. Communicative competence includes the following competence;
Grammatical Competence
Speech Competence
Technical Competence
· Socio- Linguistic Competence
( (7) The Eclectic Approach: -
This approach combines various approaches and methods to teach language depending on the aims of the lesson and the abilities of the learners. This approach fulfil the learning requirement of the learners and it breaks the monotony of the class. This approach uses various theories, methods and techniques to gain a thorough insight about the subject. Here teacher has more flexibility. There are variety in the classroom. Classroom atmosphere is dynamic. One method can support the weakness of other and multiple intelligence in the classroom are better developed.
(8) Humanistic approach: -
Humanistic approach marked its beginning around 1960’s. as a reaction against behavioristic and psychodynamic approach. This approach studies the psychology
of human mind and analysis human behavior. The term humanistic derives from
the word “Humanist” which means a person who has strong interest for human
welfare values and dignity. The supporter of this approach is Carl Roger,
Abraham Mashow, Rollo May, Clarke Moustaks, Charlotte Buhler. Humanistic
language teaching is an approach based on learners emotional and social needs
to be engaged in learning not only mind.
grammar translation method is the oldest method of teaching second language.
This method is also known as classical method. The grammar translation method
dominated European and foreign language teaching like Latin and Greek from
1840s to the 1940s. In this method students first study the parts of speech and
syntax in detail. The sentence of English and mother tongue were compared and contested
side by side. Use of this method is very easy for teacher. This method tells
that everything in English should be taught by translating into mother tongue.
Teacher taught mainly grammars and its rules and it is explained in mother
tongue, vocabulary and translation exercises. In this method mainly focus
should be given on reading and writing. Native language use as medium of
– 1) હું ક્રિકેટ રમું છું.
I play cricket.
Physical Response (TPR) method is combination of speech and action. In which
language should be taught through physical activities. This method developed by
James Asher, a professor of psychology at San Jose State University,
California, it draws on several traditions, including developmental psychology,
learning theory, and humanistic pedagogy, as well as on language teaching
procedures proposed by Harold and Dorothy Palmer in 1925. Language
and vocabulary should be teaching through physical movement.
sees successful adult second language learning as a parallel process to child
first language acquisition. He claims that speech directed to young children
consists primarily of commands, which children respond to physically before
they begin to produce verbal responses. Asher feels adults should recapitulate
the processes by which children acquire their mother tongue. This method is
Natural method. Here learners have to listen carefully and respond physically.
Teacher’s role is instructors and give feedback to the learners. Teacher can
use these as a material to teach like pictures, realia, slides, and word
– 1)
Mother – Wash your hand.
2) Friend – Hold this cup.
3) Teacher – shut the door.
lingual method developed during outbreak of World War II and had a significant
effect on language teaching In America. This method known as a “Army method”
or “Oral method”. This teaching method based on behavior psychology. This
method mainly focuses on teaching grammatical structures and the basic sentence
patterns. This method practices these patterns by systematic attention to
pronunciation and intensive oral drilling. In this method for teaching second
language teacher uses dialogue from repetitive drills and limited vocabulary. Learner
should be well train and reactive and teacher’s role is central and active
because it’s a teacher dominated method.
(4) Suggestopedia: -
Suggestopedia is a method developed by the Bulgari a psychiatrist educator Georgi Lozanov. Suggestopedia is a specific set of learning recommendations derived from Suggestology. In the suggestopedia method focus should be given on use of music, classroom decoration, furniture etc. Lozanov believes most learning takes place in a relaxed but focused state. Here functional use of music is a therapy to learn language. Musical atmosphere can help students to learn without stress and feeling relax. The music is specially selected to bring students into the optimum mental state for the effortless acquisition of the material. There are various activities like imitation, question and answer, and role play, listening activities, which concern the text and text vocabulary. Teacher’s role is to create situation and motivate students. Learner’s role is to participate voluntarily.
(5) Silent way: -
silent way method first introduced by Caleb Gattegno in his book “Teaching
Foreign Languages in School” in the year 1963. Gattegno known for the use of coloured
wooden sticks called Cuisenaire rods and for his series Words in Colour, an
approach to the teaching of initial reading in which sounds are coded by
specific colours. In this method pronunciation is fundamental. Here teachers have to be very silent in the
classroom and teacher have to motivate students to speak second language in
classroom. Benjamin
Franklin says that:
me and I forget,
me and I remember,
involve me and I learn”.
Silence can be considered the best vehicle of the learning language. Because in silence students can be more focused and concentrate on task. Here teacher is natural observer and silent and students are active to participant in various activities, self-evaluator and problem solver. Here teachers use Fidel charts, vocabulary charts for activities.
(6) Direct method: -
An attempt to teach second language as one could learning mother tongue is known as the direct method. As child learn mother tongue naturally in childhood similarly second language teach in this method. That is why it is known as natural method also. This method is against the grammar translation method. For learning second language or foreign language special environment should be created. Direct method is a method of teaching a foreign language, especially a modern language through conversation, discussion and reading in the language itself, without the use of the pupil’s language, without translation, and without the study of formal grammar. The first words are taught by ponding to objects or pictures or by performing actions. In this method teacher can use practical activities to teach language and during this time teacher must encourage the students for direct and spontaneous use of the foreign language in the class room. Focus must be given on speaking skills and more on pronunciation. Teacher shows gestures, postures and action and students can try to established sentence with the help of vocabulary. This method is based on “Learning by doing”.
(7) Task based language teaching (TBLT)
this method students actively engage in communication through various tasks.
Here students are free to use whatever vocabulary and grammar they know.
Students will be exposed to a whole range of lexical phrases, collections and
patterns as well as language forms.
there are various methods and approaches are there in English Language Teaching
to learning and teaching and that can make language studies more innovation,
interesting and easy for learners. To teach second language and various
techniques are also used. But the main goal or final destination is one to
acquire second language, because get command over English language L2 is
Brown, H Douglas. Principles of Language
Learning and Teaching. Person Education, 1941.
Eclectic Appeoach. n.d. 11 2021.
Lexical Approach. n.d. 11 2021.
Littlewood, William. Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge
University press, 1981.
Patel, Dr. M F and Praveen M Jain. English Language Teaching.
Jaipur: Sunrise Publishers & Distributors, 2008.
Richards, Jack C and Theodore S Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in
Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Shahedadpuri, Komal. "Language, Basic Concepts, Theories &
Pedagogy, English in use. ." n.d.s
Talukdar, Deblina. "Humanistic Approach Benefits Online Techi
Debline Talukdar Lecture in Kishore." (n.d.).
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