
Monday, 19 February 2018

OD - Post truth

Here is the link of given Online discussion on Post truth :- Click Here


Respected sir, 

As per my view, truth and post truth both are different. Because post truth is differs from traditional truth. Post truth means that" objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than applies to emotion and personal belief." In post truth factual rebuttals are ignored, not arguments not facts. Because in this century all people have their own truth related various levels and at some points. Because " Tunde tunde mati bhinna". Means each and every human have their own personal, belief and truth. Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of truth is very relevant.

For example, we find in literature that various critic argue with the help of their arguments but all critic are true own their way no one is wrong. At the end I would like to add one quote that " There is nothing true anywhere, the true is nowhere to be seen; If you see the true, this seeing is not the true one." By Abraham Lincoln.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Webquest on Harry Potter

Here is the link of given Web quest on Harry Potter :- Click Here

About Harry Potter :-
                                    Image result for Images of Harry potter
                " Harry Potter" is a fantasy novel written by British author J.K.Rowling. This novel is known as a classic of children literature. It is story of the young wizard Harry and his struggle against the villain Lord Voldemort. Major three characters are there and they all students of Hogwards. At the end Harry won against Voldemort. 

Here is the link about Harry Potter Films series : - Click Here

    ( 1 ) Speculative literature and Harry Potter: What is speculative literature? How far Harry Potter qualifies for the same? Does J K Rowling transcends the confines of speculative literature and claim the heights of ‘real’ literature?                                   

  Ans.   What is Speculative Literature ?

Speculative literature means - fantasy, science fiction, and horror. In which the "laws" of that world (explicit or implied) are different than ours.

Image result for images of Chart of Speculative literature
"Harry Potter" as Speculative literature : - When we see Harry Potter as Speculative literature we find that yes it is. Also J.K.Rowling transcends the confines of  the speculative literature is huge way to imagine that some real world. Some thought of real virtue or reality of truth to very connives of Rowling very well. Also portrayal of magician life to connect of reality to bad things or also evil thoughts.  This novel includes science elements in the connection of magic realism. Because in medieval time magic is also science, for example -" Dr. Faustus". In this novel also J.K. Rowling gave well treatment of science for example which witchcraft and wizardry. Gothic elements used well and it creates horror like night scenes, various wiled scenes, animals and some character also looks frighten like Hedrige and Fitche. Particular history is not use but some row history used in "Harry Potter" like four house's history, ministry of house etc. Fantasy is the main aspects used through out the story used like stairs, magic sticks, wands etc. Mythical treatment also given . So we can say that J.K.Rowling creates totally new world with some reality though it is fiction, which is beyond the realm of ordinary human knowledge or imagination.

( 2 )  Discourse on the purity of Blood and Harry Potter: How do the novels play with the thesis of pure blood (Master Race) giving an anti-thesis by belonging protagonists to half-blood / Mud-blood? What sort of synthesis is sought in this discourse in Harry Potter series?

Ans.  Concept of purity of blood ( race) is very much present in the "Harry Potter". This is a big problem during writers time so through this fantasy she present racial ideologies well. Main three characters are also have different blood like Harmione is to mud blood, Harry is half blood and Ron is pure blood. Though Rowling may not have had Fields’ ideas in mind when she was

writing the Harry Potter books, many of Fields’ ideas about how racism exists as an ideology are

relevant to the wizarding world, and much of her discussion of racism in American history runs parallel to issues of racism in wizardry history; more so than any other theme, the theme of keeping “pureblood” wizards in a place of power is central to the plot of the Harry Potter series.  
1) Muggles (non-magical persons) 2) Muggle-born (witches/wizards with magical abilities but non-magical parents) 3) half-bloods (witches/wizards who are not pure-blooded, but also not Muggle-born) 4) pure bloods (those with complete magical ancestry) 5) Squibs (a non-magical child with magical parents) 
                                        Image result for images of major characters and his blood in Harry potter

Draco Malfoy and Neville Langbottom are pure blood , but though we find that the half blood and mud blood are very powerful in magic. so we can't judge any person through their cast, race and blood. Serious also talked his family tree and his mother's view on pure blood. Time and again Hermione also treated not good because of she is mud blood.Rowling treats race with far less attention than she does the Weasleys’ hair color.
 So J.K.Rowlling shows battle against racial purification and threat of a strictly homogeneous magical society. This racial problem is real world problem and in the "Harry Potter" it shows the main theme  , theme of prejudice and inequality. 

( 3 ) Children’s Literature and Harry Potter: How far does J K Rowling transcends the canonical confines of children’s literature and claims the heights of ‘real’ literature?

Ans. "Harry Potter" is known as classic of children literature, because it is about the journey of Harry during school time. It is full of magic and fantasy. In all the parts writer gave some moral lessons also which are very important for children. Some typical characteristics of children literature we find that hero is always alive and in all problems he help others.


                                Image result for gif of harry potter of children

So, it is not only children literature but beyond it. Because in "Harry Potter" all other aspects also presented well like power politics , problem of racism etc. So, it shows the reality of contemporary time also. So children literature like Gulliver's travels and Oliver Twist all are falling  under the children literature but though  this kind of literature provide some hidden messages well which are very much philosophical  and it is for adults also.

( 4 )  The theme of Choice and Chance: How does Harry Potter discusses the antithetical concepts of ‘choice’ and ‘chance’?

Ans. Theme of choice and chance is majore theme in " Harry Potter" .

Harry chooses always risk rather than easy option though it is hard. He choose Griffindor over Slythrin, he choose Treiwizard Tournament, he bring the body of Cedric though he had choice to not bring and at the end he saved Draco Malfoy his enemy also. The climax of Deathaly Hallows occurs when Herry sets off to sacrifice himself and allows Voldemort to hit him with killing curse and he become sacrificial hero.

Dumbledore subsequently tells Harry that “ it is our choices that what we truly are, far more than our abilities".  

He is  responsible for his choice and he did all the works with full of determination. “Choices vs. Abilities” - shows the real character. Harry choose always what is right for Hogwards  not the easy option for him to save himself. Through out the series all of them are given the chance at redemption through these decision even all evils and Voldemort also at the end but he refuses.

( 5 ) Confronting reality by reading fantasy: How does reading Harry Potter make us confront the reality of our everyday existence?

                                                                         18th , February, 2018

Ans. Yes," Harry Potter" fantasy but through fantasy J.K.Rowlling present the reality of the society and the rationality also. She used well her imagination through the modern thoughts and it is very significant in 21st century also.

Adam Grant, a professor of management at Wharton, says that J.K.Rowling is perhaps the most influential person alive. " There's a lot of originality in the Harry Potter stories. The way to get to Hogwards, all of the different ideas about how to cast spells, children being the individuals who are responsible for saving adults - all of that is setting a standard for saying,'i want to do something new," he says. 

Problem of education system, power politics , problems of class and cast all are very much exploreHarry Potter series not only to entertain, but to provide readers with a real world moral framework that explicitly encompasses race-related issues.

Here is the Web quest link : - Click Here.

Rubric Evaluation :- Click Here

Works Cited

Nimesh, Dave. Bloggar. <>.

Walters, Tiffiany L. "Not so magical: Issues with Racism, classical and Ideolgy in Harry Potter." (n.d.).

wikipedia. 18 2 2018 <>.


OD - Education system: Class in Forest

   Here is Online discussion Click Here:-
               Education system: Class in Forest

This image use as a satire, Because the concept of exam is not well in our education system. we all have different interest, various capability,  ability and disability also. Because we all are different but in this picture only one competition is climbing the tree and it's for all even elephant and fish also. So this type of same way we also follow and then on the based of this exam's result we judge people. But it's not good. So skill based education is best way for good education.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Language Lab Software

         For reading Language review click here :-
                   Language Lab Software

                                   Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor
 " Language Lab Software" is a part of teaching through digital tools. There are various view points about the effectiveness of Language Lab Software. It is debated again and again by scholars. In this 21st century Teachers and learners should have ' digital Literacy' and this software is very helpful in learning and teaching through technology. 

Definition of Digital Language Lab ( DLL ) :-

                                      Image may contain: screen and office

" A network of computers along with appropriate software which provides most of the functions of a conventional language lab together with integration of video. word processor and other computer application."

Questions :- 

1. Why there is need of language lab?
2. What is the use of this software and how it works?
3. Is language lab f auctioning properly?
4. Is software helpful in learning for what it was designed?

The Language Lab Software has a Methodological pattern. It has a pattern from easy to difficult. First few levels are very easy to pass, but after that thee are high level exercises which learner has to complete for learning language.

Advantages :-

There are many advantages of working and learning Language Lab Software. 
                                 Image may contain: 6 people, people sitting, table and indoor

1. It satisfied the need of learning.
2. It offers wide vocabulary regarding the subject to learner.
3. The main focus of the software is on LSRW skills of learner.
4. It also has facility of audio and visuals.
5. It contains contact with animation and graphics in phonetics part.
6. The software has a facility of 'text reading' program, it helps in improving listening and speaking skills.
7. It is interactive software. It has learner centered approach.  
8. Teacher is just more observer. so less teacher's interference is very less.
9. Learners learn own their own, by more practice, trials and errors.
10. It also offers 'listening' to prerecorded audios.
11. This software also provides correct pronunciation, pause, tone in phonetic part.
12. It also improves writing skill through application or letter writing by providing key words.
13. It helps to improves vocabulary also.

                                     Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, laptop, screen and indoor

It's Features : - 

1. Text to speech.
2. It  offers recordings.
3. Error analysis.
4. Vocabulary building ( New Words )
5. It can  connect one PC with all computers.
6. SAC - Self Access Center and DEll - Digital Educational ( English ) Language Lab.

"Each coin has two sides" , the some way language lab software also has two sides. It has many advantages but at some time is also has disadvantages also.

Disadvantages : - 

1. It is a software which requires a language  lab to practice. so, computer should be in the school or tool of the practicing.
2. It demands power - electricity and good quality cables.
3. It is very expensive.
4. It requires time to practice and students should be aware with the basic knowledge of computers.
5. It stands for beginners to intermediate students because it has its focus upon basic language skills.
6. It has repetition and lacks novelty , which makes it boring.
7. Very hard to remember all spates to start software.
8. Now, there are new mobile apps and software, this seems more old for students.

Conclusion : -

Though the software is old and costly, it's features are good and can make learners more interactive in the classroom. It can make aware learner with technology, which is very necessary in 21st century.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Yugaantar National Youth Conference - 2018

Here this blog is made with the use of my and my friends  FB posts of our experiences of Yugaantar National Conference. 

# "भारत का विश्व को योगदान"

It's great experience to attend the first day of National youth conference at M.S university, Baroda. Lord Bikhu Parekh, shree Dineshparatap Singh, and Rajmata of Baroda inaugurated the function. It was started with the recorded speech of our former president Honorable Pranav Mukharji. Then central aim and moto of Yugaantar was introduced to the delegates, that is "कारण नहि निराकरण". It means that it has prime interest in solution and not in the excuse. Yugantar means to change the Yug and to take it forward. " Charity begins from home". That means we should take an innovative step to change the world. One should have burning desire to change the world. "मेरे सिने में ना सही तो तेरे सिने में सही पर आग जलनी चाहिये।".

There were many sessions and speakers delivered their speech to make youth aware about the history, great heritage and India's contribution to the world as well as current education system of our country. They spoke very well about the history of India but as a youth we are interested in future of India. After lunch there was paper presentation session by delegates from different states of India. We have opportunity to meet scholars and delegates from all over India. These days will be very fruitful for us.
It's well organized conference by M.S.U.
22 Students of our English Department have participated in this conference.

                                                          by - Surbhi Gausvami  
"Not reason but solution "
First day of National youth conference, at MS University, Vadodara.
In inauguration we got a good opportunity to listened some scholars like Lord Bhikhu Parekh, Dinesh Pratap Singh, Prof Nirja Jayswal etc. In various session scholars talked that first try to change your self than nation.
India V/s Bharat
After lunch many research scholars presented their papers on various interesting topics. Then the session of unsung heroes which was very fruitful and inspirational for all youths. Such a good opportunity to interact with people of various faculties from various places .And last session was on India 's contributions to the world and world contributions to the India in that Baba Satyanarayan Maurya made wonderful live sketches with music

                                                         by - Megha Trivedi

 # Day-2 National Youth Conference. Today is the National youth day and विवेकानंद जयंती. Yugaantar team is good doing efforts to bring change in society through youth power and they are giving support to youth in form of निराकरण (Solution) on first day they introduced 1) Yugaantar Meet where selective youth can get help if they have some innovative ideas for change.
An annual gathering of Change Makers of Gujarat
to be held on 23 & 24 June 2018
at Vadodara. Today,they introduced 2) Yugaantar fellowship where nearly 200 hundred students can join by selection and work for selective slum areas. In morning, 1st session is of Spirituality and Philosophy and in which keynote speaker is Ven. Geshe Dorji Domdul studied at Cambridge university. He has connected spirituality with Science, Psychology, Physics and Philosophy like Mental well-being. Basic reality, ontology(Science&Philosophy) and Epistemology (Psychology& Neuroscience). Papers are presented on the same topic. Where our three students Hema D. Goswami, Kavitaba and Jagruti Vasani jointly presented paper on Spirituality and Philosophy in Indian context.     
                                                                    by - Komal Tara

Today we had visit to English Department of M.S University. I would like to appreciate students of M.S.U English department who gave us warm welcome. It was very interactive session with them. We exchanged the information, knowledge and ideas with each other. They told us that they mainly focus on the research because they have Comparative study as a paper. Their ideas were very creative and innovative. We made them familiar about our method of learning. We informed them that we all will have our own website at the end of the M.A, how creatively we construct knowledge in the form of blogs, unit end test, assignment, presentation etc. At that time they told us that this is something about which we should think and implement. At the end very firmly they thanked us by telling that they generally refer our blogs for exam preparation. At that moment we felt very proud as a student of English Department MKBU.

                                                            by - Surbhi Gausvami

It was another fruitful day at M.S university. It was started with the "spirituality and philosophy" session. Papers were presented by the delegates including our students of department. Remarks given by chairperson was very valuable and useful for presenters to research further.
Today's speakers were Dr. Rajendra singh, Dr. Jay prakash Narayan and Geshe Dorji Domdul. They introduced youth to great architecture of India, India governance and leadership and Indian spirituality and philosophy. It was very interactive session, which provided deep knowledge about Indian culture and heritage.
The most inspiring Session of Yugaantar is felicitation of "Unsung Heroes". Many Heroes were felicitated by M.S.U who devoted their life for the betterment of society. They are the role models for youngster.
In the evening session one act play was performed by journalism department. Which gave message of " Save tree" and "Dream India". The second theme was very innovative which touched the hearts of audience.
Lastly There was talk to give tribute to youth Icon " Swami Vivekananda". Audience felt great feeling of pride and patriotism.

                                                           by - Surbhi Gausvami
Feeling awesome after giving presentation on Indian Idea of spirituality and Philosophy. Me and my partner kavita and jagruti worked very hard for our first time research ppt. To speak in front of many scholars and students from different university is really very hard. We have to come up with confident to make our effect on audience . but overall, everything done with confident, for that i would like to thanks Dilip Barad , whose motivating words encourage a lot, we also received certificate from Geshe Dorji Damdul

                                                              by - Hema Gausvami

Day - 3
First session - Very inspirational and motivational session of Sunny Kabrawala. He provided very fruitful and practical knowledge on innovation, that how to do something innovative.
" problems leads towards solutions , solutions leads towards innovations and innovations leads towards the revolution".
Second session - today's unsung heroes. Very worth to attend. This session provided various ideas and vision to youth.

                                                                 by - Megha Trivedi

Students have shared their experiences of National Youth Conference 'Yugaantar' कारण नहीं निराकरण in Today's Daily Schedule. All have very memorable experience and learn many things which very inspiring future youth of India. And Celebration of Kite Flying at English Department of M K Bhavnagar University.

                                                                                                                                                                         by - Komal Tara

Monday, 5 February 2018

Thinking activity of The Da Vinchi Code by Dan Brown

                  The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Here is the link of given task by Dr.Dilip Barad : Click Here 

  Image result for images of Da vinci code

Post viewing task :-

 ( 1 ) Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."


This novel ' The Da Vinci Code' is very famous and best selling novel by Dan Brown. This novel we can read to way, first as we study as per protagonist Robert so we can find that this book and the protagonist of the novel both presented full of religious things. on the other side the villain Leigh Teabing is atheist. He try to open the secret and he wants freedom not god, he try to destroy the faith. so this way this novel is Anti - Christian also. But the protagonist of the novel is follow the christian religious till the end and not ravel the truth of the Grail so it is introspection and exploration of our faith. 

( 2 ) (If)You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?

Ans.  The narrative of 'The Da Vinci Code' is more convincing rather than 'Genesis' and 'The Paradise Lost'. Because in 'Genesis' we find much about Christianity and women portrayed at some level inferior to men and in 'The paradise Lost' Milton try to give voice to Eve but though Christianity or the people of at that time or still now also people blame on Eve ( or Women ) that she is the downfall or responsible for any causes. on the other side in The Da Vinci Code woman character present well, very confident and knowledgeable. And the story gave open ended end . So it is good and through conspiracy theory story force to doubt on our thinking process that god is also normal man . So through this kind of narrative this story of Da vinci Code provide some rational idea.But the documentary on this film also prove that this narrative of the novel is not true. It is made for the novel. Many scholars proved well in the documentary.  

( 3 )  What harm has been done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton’s in The Paradise Lose? What sort of damage does narrative like ‘The Vinci Code’ do to humanity?

Ans. AS we know that any religions can be reason for damage of society, because people killed each other on the name of religion or god. Same things we find in the Milton's paradise lost in which we find that how Christianity controls people and specially ruled on women. Churches and pope and Bishop only had power  even artist and women had no freedom to do something. Same way in Da Vinci code we find that many women can be killed on the name of god, Silas who follow religion blindly and that's why he did four murders for the Grill and gave hard punishment for himself also. So it's show that how religion can control human mind, Silas can't think beyond God even he had not humanity also. So this way the narrative of The Da Vinci code damage the humanity.  At some point movie or novel deconstruct the idea of god but end is religious. 

( 4 )  What difference do you see in the portrayal of 'Ophelia' (Kate Winslet) in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, 'Elizabeth' (Helena Bonham Carter) in Kenneth Branagh's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or 'Hester Prynne' (Demi Moore) in Roland Joffé's The Scarlet Letter' or David Yates's 'Harmione Granger' (Emma Watson) in last four Harry Potter films - and 'Sophie Neuve' (Audrey Tautau) in Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code? How would justify your answer?

Ans. In Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet we find that the character of Ophelia is very sensitive,  she don't use her mind. Patriarchy is there. She always under the care of her father, brother. Time and again she insulted by Hamlet also. In Frankenstein we find that Elizabeth used as typical women for sexuality and as a need, that's why end of the movie is also effective that how hero and the villain fight for her.She is helpless. Hester Prynne also had no voiceless. But as compare to all Sophie Neuve is very much hard working, intellectual character. on the other side we can say that she is brave but still she took the help of Robert and then she can solved the mystery and reach at the end point. But through the character of Sophie presented this main idea  “Feminine Sacredness”  well. Through her appearance , behavior and mind.

( 5 ) Do novel / film lead us into critical (deconstructive) thinking about your religion? Can we think of such conspiracy theory about Hindu religious symbols / myths?

Ans.  Yes, when we see the whole novel at that time we find that this novel beautifully ask some questions that what is Christianity? about church and Holly Grail, Sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene etc. At the end we find that sophie is the bloodline of the Mary and Jesus. So we can also think that Ram and Krishna all are the bloodline of one human no any god . Now a days people blindly follows the saints and sadhus as a god's messenger or like a swarrop of God in form of Murtipooja, or Gadipati. But they all are like a simple human being. on various religious book are also written by some human as part of stories .

( 6 ) Explain Ann Gray’s three propositions on ‘knowability’ with illustrations from the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’.
a.       1) Identifying what is knowable 
b.      2) identifying and acknowledging the relationship of the knower and the known
c.      3) What is the procedure for ‘knowing’?

    Ans. There are four knowability are there. Here in the novel "  I don't know what i don't know". All characters are well knowledgeable but they can't know the truth. First Sophie her self not know that she is a part of this Holly Grail, bloodline etc. second Robert as a good professor not understand this matter and that's why he ask for help of Teabing. Then Le - Teabing can't see the Sophie present on her eyes and he doubting on them. And character of Silas without knowing the truth killed so many people. So knowing the truth is very difficult. Sometimes things are on our eyes or in front of us but before the time or without rational mind we can't see it or reaches to the right path.So some time our inner call or intuitive knowledge  is important .


    Thursday, 1 February 2018

    Report on ELT Group Activity to Examine Speaking Skill

           Report on ELT Group Activity to Examine Speaking Skill 

    Prepared by Komal Shahedapuri and Megha Trivedi

    Group Members: Komal Shahedapuri, Megha Trivedi, Krishna Khamal, Matangi Bhatt


    ELT is the teaching of English language to the people whose mother/first language is not English. ELT is an abbreviation for ‘English Language Teaching’ specifically to the students whose native language is not English. English language taught as the Foreign or the Second language (L2) to the people whose native language is different like in India, which is the multilingual country. CALL (Computer assisted Language Learning) is not a method but tools for learning and teaching language. In CALL, tools like laptop, smart phone and social media like Face book, Whatsapp, G+, Google classroom, YouTube can be used in language learning and teaching.


          To Carry out Survey regarding: 

    •  English Language Proficiency among students of Master of Arts (English).
    •     To check Reading, Listening and speaking skills  
    •     Attitude toward Technology in learning language.

    •       Attitude towards English language. 
    •   How to improve speaking skill through innovative learning tool.
    •    To enhance recitation skill with the help of poem (Daffodils by Wordsworth)

    In order to check the language proficiency of students, whatsapp group can be created as a web tool to improve language skills by writing, chats and recording your voice to convey your message. Here in this task, we have used Whatsapp as a web tool to test speaking skills in english language of the students wherein instructions for activity has given in audio form and ask students of Masters of English to recite poem ‘Daffodils’ by Wordsworth with proper pronunciation, rhythm, tone and stress on the lines by using recoding option in whatsapp. For this activity, we have provide them a video where a poem recited and its transcript also given, so if some parts of poem are left by students while listening, they can read the poem. We have received good responses from students in which 11 girls and 6 boys are there. Here is the video of that given speaking activity. 

    This is the Mind Mapping chart created by Dr. Dilip Barad while students are giving the analysis of their findings of various activities on ELT. We have dealt with Group-1 where activity is on Speaking skill that you can see in chart. 

     No automatic alt text available.


    · Common Errors in pronunciation for example, many students have done mistakes to pronounce words like William as Williams, Jocund as Jacund , host as ghost, lie as li etc.

    · There are long sound at the end of the lines of the poem in responses of many students.

    · Tone of some students seems to be artificial during the recitation of the poem.

    · Students do not focus punctuation marks, as they do not pause at right place and do not put proper stress on particular words in the poem.

    · Sometimes, speed of the recitation of poem b Report on ELT Group Activity to Examine Speaking Skill 
