Report on ELT Group Activity to Examine Speaking Skill
Prepared by Komal Shahedapuri and Megha Trivedi
Group Members: Komal Shahedapuri, Megha Trivedi, Krishna Khamal, Matangi Bhatt
ELT is the teaching of English language to the people whose mother/first language is not English. ELT is an abbreviation for ‘English Language Teaching’ specifically to the students whose native language is not English. English language taught as the Foreign or the Second language (L2) to the people whose native language is different like in India, which is the multilingual country. CALL (Computer assisted Language Learning) is not a method but tools for learning and teaching language. In CALL, tools like laptop, smart phone and social media like Face book, Whatsapp, G+, Google classroom, YouTube can be used in language learning and teaching.
To Carry out Survey regarding:
- English Language Proficiency among students of Master of Arts (English).
- To check Reading, Listening and speaking skills
- Attitude toward Technology in learning language.
- Attitude towards English language.
- How to improve speaking skill through innovative learning tool.
- To enhance recitation skill with the help of poem (Daffodils by Wordsworth)
In order to check the language proficiency of students, whatsapp group can be created as a web tool to improve language skills by writing, chats and recording your voice to convey your message. Here in this task, we have used Whatsapp as a web tool to test speaking skills in english language of the students wherein instructions for activity has given in audio form and ask students of Masters of English to recite poem ‘Daffodils’ by Wordsworth with proper pronunciation, rhythm, tone and stress on the lines by using recoding option in whatsapp. For this activity, we have provide them a video where a poem recited and its transcript also given, so if some parts of poem are left by students while listening, they can read the poem. We have received good responses from students in which 11 girls and 6 boys are there. Here is the video of that given speaking activity.
This is the Mind Mapping chart created by Dr. Dilip Barad while students are giving the analysis of their findings of various activities on ELT. We have dealt with Group-1 where activity is on Speaking skill that you can see in chart.

· Common Errors in pronunciation for example, many students have done mistakes to pronounce words like William as Williams, Jocund as Jacund , host as ghost, lie as li etc.
· There are long sound at the end of the lines of the poem in responses of many students.
· Tone of some students seems to be artificial during the recitation of the poem.
· Students do not focus punctuation marks, as they do not pause at right place and do not put proper stress on particular words in the poem.
· Sometimes, speed of the recitation of poem b Report on ELT Group Activity to Examine Speaking Skill
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