Here is the link of given Online discussion on Post truth :- Click Here

Respected sir,
As per my view, truth and post truth both are different. Because post truth is differs from traditional truth. Post truth means that" objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than applies to emotion and personal belief." In post truth factual rebuttals are ignored, not arguments not facts. Because in this century all people have their own truth related various levels and at some points. Because " Tunde tunde mati bhinna". Means each and every human have their own personal, belief and truth. Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of truth is very relevant.
For example, we find in literature that various critic argue with the help of their arguments but all critic are true own their way no one is wrong. At the end I would like to add one quote that " There is nothing true anywhere, the true is nowhere to be seen; If you see the true, this seeing is not the true one." By Abraham Lincoln.
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