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About Harry Potter :-
" Harry Potter" is a fantasy novel written by British author J.K.Rowling. This novel is known as a classic of children literature. It is story of the young wizard Harry and his struggle against the villain Lord Voldemort. Major three characters are there and they all students of Hogwards. At the end Harry won against Voldemort.
Here is the link about Harry Potter Films series : - Click Here
( 1 ) Speculative literature and Harry Potter: What is speculative literature? How far Harry Potter qualifies for the same? Does J K Rowling transcends the confines of speculative literature and claim the heights of ‘real’ literature?
Ans. What is Speculative Literature ?
Speculative literature means - fantasy, science fiction, and horror. In which the "laws" of that world (explicit or implied) are different than ours.
"Harry Potter" as Speculative literature : - When we see Harry Potter as Speculative literature we find that yes it is. Also J.K.Rowling transcends the confines of the speculative literature is huge way to imagine that some real world. Some thought of real virtue or reality of truth to very connives of Rowling very well. Also portrayal of magician life to connect of reality to bad things or also evil thoughts. This novel includes science elements in the connection of magic realism. Because in medieval time magic is also science, for example -" Dr. Faustus". In this novel also J.K. Rowling gave well treatment of science for example which witchcraft and wizardry. Gothic elements used well and it creates horror like night scenes, various wiled scenes, animals and some character also looks frighten like Hedrige and Fitche. Particular history is not use but some row history used in "Harry Potter" like four house's history, ministry of house etc. Fantasy is the main aspects used through out the story used like stairs, magic sticks, wands etc. Mythical treatment also given . So we can say that J.K.Rowling creates totally new world with some reality though it is fiction, which is beyond the realm of ordinary human knowledge or imagination.
( 2 ) Discourse on the purity of Blood and Harry Potter: How do the novels play with the thesis of pure blood (Master Race) giving an anti-thesis by belonging protagonists to half-blood / Mud-blood? What sort of synthesis is sought in this discourse in Harry Potter series?
Ans. Concept of purity of blood ( race) is very much present in the "Harry Potter". This is a big problem during writers time so through this fantasy she present racial ideologies well. Main three characters are also have different blood like Harmione is to mud blood, Harry is half blood and Ron is pure blood. Though Rowling may not have had Fields’ ideas in mind when she was
writing the Harry Potter books, many of Fields’ ideas about how racism exists as an ideology are
relevant to the wizarding world, and much of her discussion of racism in American history runs parallel to issues of racism in wizardry history; more so than any other theme, the theme of keeping “pureblood” wizards in a place of power is central to the plot of the Harry Potter series.
1) Muggles (non-magical persons)
2) Muggle-born (witches/wizards with magical abilities but non-magical parents)
3) half-bloods (witches/wizards who are not pure-blooded, but also not Muggle-born)
4) pure bloods (those with complete magical ancestry)
5) Squibs (a non-magical child with magical parents)
Draco Malfoy and Neville Langbottom are pure blood , but though we find that the half blood and mud blood are very powerful in magic. so we can't judge any person through their cast, race and blood. Serious also talked his family tree and his mother's view on pure blood. Time and again Hermione also treated not good because of she is mud blood.Rowling treats race with far less attention than she does the Weasleys’ hair color.
So J.K.Rowlling shows battle against racial purification and threat of a strictly homogeneous magical society. This racial problem is real world problem and in the "Harry Potter" it shows the main theme , theme of prejudice and inequality.
( 3 ) Children’s Literature and Harry Potter: How far does J K Rowling transcends the canonical confines of children’s literature and claims the heights of ‘real’ literature?
Ans. "Harry Potter" is known as classic of children literature, because it is about the journey of Harry during school time. It is full of magic and fantasy. In all the parts writer gave some moral lessons also which are very important for children. Some typical characteristics of children literature we find that hero is always alive and in all problems he help others.
So, it is not only children literature but beyond it. Because in "Harry Potter" all other aspects also presented well like power politics , problem of racism etc. So, it shows the reality of contemporary time also. So children literature like Gulliver's travels and Oliver Twist all are falling under the children literature but though this kind of literature provide some hidden messages well which are very much philosophical and it is for adults also.
( 4 ) The theme of Choice and Chance: How does Harry Potter discusses the antithetical concepts of ‘choice’ and ‘chance’?
Ans. Theme of choice and chance is majore theme in " Harry Potter" .

Harry chooses always risk rather than easy option though it is hard. He choose Griffindor over Slythrin, he choose Treiwizard Tournament, he bring the body of Cedric though he had choice to not bring and at the end he saved Draco Malfoy his enemy also. The climax of Deathaly Hallows occurs when Herry sets off to sacrifice himself and allows Voldemort to hit him with killing curse and he become sacrificial hero.
Dumbledore subsequently tells Harry that “ it is our choices that what we truly are, far more than our abilities".
He is responsible for his choice and he did all the works with full of determination. “Choices vs. Abilities” - shows the real character. Harry choose always what is right for Hogwards not the easy option for him to save himself. Through out the series all of them are given the chance at redemption through these decision even all evils and Voldemort also at the end but he refuses.
( 5 ) Confronting reality by reading fantasy: How does reading Harry Potter make us confront the reality of our everyday existence?
18th , February, 2018
Ans. Yes," Harry Potter" fantasy but through fantasy J.K.Rowlling present the reality of the society and the rationality also. She used well her imagination through the modern thoughts and it is very significant in 21st century also.
Adam Grant, a professor of management at Wharton, says that J.K.Rowling is perhaps the most influential person alive. " There's a lot of originality in the Harry Potter stories. The way to get to Hogwards, all of the different ideas about how to cast spells, children being the individuals who are responsible for saving adults - all of that is setting a standard for saying,'i want to do something new," he says.
Problem of education system, power politics , problems of class and cast all are very much explore. Harry Potter series not only to entertain, but to provide readers with a real world moral framework that explicitly encompasses race-related issues.
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Works Cited
Walters, Tiffiany L.
"Not so magical: Issues with Racism, classical and Ideolgy in Harry
Potter." (n.d.).
wikipedia. 18 2 2018 <>.
Walters, Tiffiany L.
"Not so magical: Issues with Racism, classical and Ideolgy in Harry
Potter." (n.d.).
wikipedia. 18 2 2018 <>.
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