Respected sir,
It is really very truth, that in India people don't remember scientist Edward Jener who saved many children from the disease of pox. I had an experience which I want to share here. This shitala satam we don't read the story of shitala satam, so at the end of the day our family members talked each other at that time my elder cousin brother asked to his mother that today you read the story or not? She said no. Than he said you forgot the God, you should read the story. At that time as a student of literature I said what is the need to read the story, at that time all family members looking me like I am an atheist, I said I am not against God, but not need to read the story but remember that person who protected from pox. Specially in 21st century ,So still it is difficult to accept the reality.specially for Gujarati people. Because our mind are conditioning.
Same why this festival celebrates only brother and sister? why brother protect only sister? Sister also can. Because this day we celebrate as a form of love and with the hope of protection of each other, so same thing can be apply for all, so we can celebrate same thing with rakhi with our family members and in society also. The advertisement of idea gave the good idea about ' public or polish ke bich bandhan' . So in this add man was polish but instead of man , woman can be there as a polish and we did same thing also with her , so this add became worth.

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