Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde “ The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by the famous Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. He has written one science fiction which shows the reality of human life and present the concept of ' Spilt personality '. This story represents a concept in Victorian culture.

This is scientific novella. A man has dual personality within inside. In this novel Dr. Jekyll is rich, good, well – known and civilized person, but his inner personality which is evil. So the concept of dual personality we find in the character of Dr. Jekyll.
“ Each coin has two sides”, So he invented a liquid which separated his personality but physically he is one. So he made Mr. Hyde and through this personality he did his evil works and as civilized he known as Dr. Jekyll.
In Freudian theory the thought and desires banished to the unconscious mind motivate the behavior of the conscious mind. It also explains the Christian concept of evil hiding in the light,
“ Civilized V/s Savager” “ Man is not truly one but truly two”
Mary Shally's novel “ Frankenstein” it is also one scientific fiction,it is as same as “ The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”. In Frankenstein the protagonist Victor Frankenstein wants to discover a man. Who is evil and he makes it he collects the parts of dead body and after collecting he invented The Monster. So , the theme am
Appearance v/s Reality we can find.
To sum up, one can say that in Jekyll's view every soul contains elements of both good and evil, but one is always dominant. Here the Jekyll's good side is dominant at the starting but he knows there is evil inside him. So , man have both the qualities positive as well as negative.