
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Thinking Activity of The Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

                 Here is link of this task:- :-
 ian mckellen patrick stewart ians sir ian mckellen sir ian GIF
                                                                                                        Here is my views on this worksheet: -                                

1. What connection do you see in the setting (“A country road. A 
tree.Evening.”) of the play and these paintings?

Ans. The setting of the play " A country road, A tree, Evening" and this painting both  are the similar. In these both painting two persons are there . This painting by Caspar David Friedrich and Beckett liked it , he found this painting in one art gallery. So, through this painting we can feel the real feeling also. The title of this painting is " Longing" means wait. so this painting became inspiration of the play.

·       The tree is the only important ‘thing’ in the setting. What is the importance of tree in both acts? Why does Beckett grow a few leaves in Act II on the barren tree -The tree has four or five leaves - ? 
Ans. This tree present very symbolically. First we can say it shows that in first act it is barren , so its effect of world war and then it's had a leaves so ii's suggest hope. Second it's represent that how change in nature. Third is that " Indifference of nature or universe".

·         In both Acts, evening falls into night and moon rises. How would you like to interpret this ‘coming of night and moon’ when actually they are waiting for Godot?

Ans.  This pic suggest about that Night shows that next day become good, so this ' Coming of night and moon' suggest hope for something good, or Godot will come.  Because as per existential reading in the novel " Old man and the sea" this dialogue came that " Everyday is new day". Second way we can say that routine of life or indifferent nature or universe.

·       The director feels the setting with some debris. Can you read any meaning in the contours of debris in the setting of the play?

Ans.  Debris means something destroyed or borkan into the parts, so it is connect with second world war. And Beckett use this setting in the play to  present the situation of human's mind and action. 

·       How are the props like hat and boots used in the play? What is the symbolical significance of these props?

Ans.  Vladimir plays with hat and Estragon plays with boot, so it's shows symbolically that Vladimir think intellectually and logically. on the other side Estragon is careless, not think and not remember also. so in play prope are very important to present your view for audiens.

·       Do you think that the obedience of Lucky is extremely irritating and nauseatic? Even when the master Pozzo is blind, he obediently hands the whip in his hand. Do you think that such a capacity of slavishness is unbelievable?
Ans.  This play present human nature very well, through the characters. In the case of Lucky, he gave the rope to his master even his master was blind. So, it's shows the blindness of human mind, that how he became slave, he not gave the rope to his master but he surrender himself. Concept of Master slave relation we find, or colonizer and colonized.

Who according to you is Godot? God? An object of desire? Death? Goal? Success? Or  . . .

Ans. As per my point of view Godot means desire to change something, because it's suggest the time of second world war. Or the Death, as per religion or spiritual point of view wait for Avtar, second coming or any other. 

So far as Pozzo and Lucky [master and slave] are concerned, we have to remember that Beckett was a disciple of Joyce and that Joyce hated England. Beckett meant Pozzo to be England, and Lucky to be Ireland." (Bert Lahr who played Estragon in Broadway production). Does this reading make any sense? Why? How? What?

Ans. Yes, like India and Pakistan fight for Kashmir and for freedom so our relation are not good, same way in England and Ireland also have problem in their relation, so here this thing Beckett represent well to use as a symbolically that Pozzo to be England and Luckey to be Ireland, through their action. 


Sunday, 20 August 2017

Flipped learning - Existentialism


What is Existentialism:-

        Existentialism is a movement , it began in the mid to late 19th century but reached it's peak in mid 20th century in France. Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. If is the view that human define their own meaning in life and try to make rational decisions. It takes about there is no God or no any other transcendent force , the only way to counter this nothingness is by embracing existence. This philosophy believe in freedom, take responsibility, and choice.Complete rejection of Determination.Existentialism based on this view that human define their own meaning in life, it is refused to belong any school of thought, it is reaction against traditional school of philosophy such as rationality, British Empiricism and Positivism.  

History of Existentialism:-

         Existentialism type of themes appear in early Buddhist and Christian writings. In the 17th century Blaise Pascal suggested that, without a God life would be meaningless, boring and miserable. Than the many philosophers and Existentialist came to get the answers and prove something.


         Many philosophers worked on that idea and gave such a good theories and valuable thoughts  also. These are very fruitful to understand Existentialism. Existentialism mainly originated with the 19th century philosophers .Click Here to read about all the philosophers,

(1) Soren Kierkegaared
(2) Fridrich Nietzsche
(3) Jean Paul Sartre
(4) Albert Camus
(5)Simone de Beauvoir
(6) Martin Heidrgger
(7) Kalfka
(8) Dostovesky
(9) Hesse
(10) Shestov


          Various themes also are there to apply in this concept of Existentialism. Click here to read all themes.

Other school of thoughts:-

           with  the Existentialism many other  school of thoughts are also connected one way or other way. For example Rationalism, Empiricism, Nihilism it different from Existentialism and positivism

Sartre - " At first ( Man ) is nothing only afterward will he be something and he himself will have made what he will be" .

Criticism :-

           Many critics and school of thoughts criticize also, because people do what ever they want it creates the chaos in the society, for example Herbert Marcuse, Roger Scruton, Rudolf Carnap, Marxists because they want to established society, Religion, religion can't ex-accept Not existent of God. And Christian critics.

 Respected sir,

 Here i am sharing my views , which i like most during watching the videos on Existentialism. 10 videos are available from the blog task link.

Ans -1

(1)   The  first video is about what is Existentialism?  Existentialism is all about Freedom, Individuality and Passion. Albert Camus said that " Believe in God is philosophical suicide for him." Because when we think out of the box at that time we feel fear for something wrong and God also , so God become barer for it. ( Video - 1 )

(2) This video talked about the " Myth of Sisyphus" by Camus. Through this Camus talked on the method of Suicide, for him suicide is an individual act.When we feel something absurd in our life at that time we have two choose HOPE and SUICIDE. It's depend on us which path we choose.In this video one beautiful example is also given name of this movie is " STAY". ( Myth of Sisyphus - For reading) ( Video - 2 )

                                " Beginning to think is beginning to undermine".

(3) Here in this video camu talked about the " Philosophical Suicide",  with the existence of life and the world many absurdity also exist. But try to learn from this absurdity. It is difficult and challenging also but try to solve it, because to avoid is very easy. For ex- Virginia Woolf also suicide, but it is philosophical suicide because some logic behind it not like comman man did . ( Video - 3 )

(4) This video try to explain that what is the difference between Dadaism and Nihilism. Dadaism began from WW1 in 1916. Existentialism is respond to WW2.( Video - 4 )

(5) Video five is talked on A Gloomy of nothingness, means we feel some time nothingness and absurdity, emptiness and these and existentialism try to gave ans of all. Life + Anxiety = ? so be individual is important. ( Video - 5 )

(6) In this shows that Existentialism V/S Nihilism. How both are different. Nihilism , this school of thought believed that nothing in this world. Be aware of the otherworldly.( Video - 6 )

(7) " Existence precedes essence", live your life with your choice. Nietzsche also said - Become who you are. ( Video - 7 )

(8) This video is very good, how beautifully explain the concept of Existentialism inf-rent of children. and the concept of " Ubermensche" also explain well,  ubermensche means Superman. So do what ever you want.

(9) Really this video i like most, because in this they present very well that what is existentialism and how this concept you can apply in your life, and living more deeply.  with beautiful quotes and images. suffering is a part of human lives so learn form it and move. I like Existentialism because it makes me as i am.

(10) Concept of essence that given by Aristotle and Plato, and how it is important. " Absurdity is the search for answers in an answerless world."
             This image shows about essence of human being.
Ans - 2

       I like last three videos but  Video - 9 i like most, because in this i found all the things that explain in very simple way , what is existentialism, how can we apply in our life  with good images and quotations, that is fruitful for me. 



Thursday, 17 August 2017

OD- Psychological Advantages of Literature

Respected sir,
                        All the four points are good and appropriate. Many advantages are there for reading literature but here in psychological effect of literature in this I agree with that It Makes You Nicer. Literature makes a nice and better human being, because it's give feelings and emotions and different senses to knowing human being. Because when we study literature at that time we came across with so many  characters and we learned many things from this characters, perhaps in reality it can't happen. So we easily understand that what is good and what is bad. Knowing our self and knowing another human is very difficult.
            I want to add one more advantage is that, literature provides various types of spectacles and with the help of this spectacles ( vision ) we can see the real world view, our society, culture, problems, nature etc. Literature is not like just different stories but literature is a huge branch. Literature is connect with so many field also like marketing, politics, science, religion, psychology etc. So we can say that literature feeds our souls, and some great works of literature become timeless also.

OD- On Atheism and Morality

Respected sir,
                    Talked  on Atheism  and  Morality  it's  a very  debatable subject.  Specially  in  India ,  because  in India  we have  many  religion  and  staunch believer  of  God  believed  that  they have morality  and  other  who don't  believe  in God  they known as a Atheist.
                    But  with the help of  morals  we can't  measured  people  because  every human have  various  approaches,  belief, and  morality  towards  life  in various  filds.  That's  why we can't say that who do not  follow  religion  they know  as  an Atheist,  because  Ram , Krishna ,  Buddha all are don't  believed in  God,  they  have  high  moral  and they did good  karma that's  why they  became  Godly figures.  Morality  also  changed  as per time  also.
               Many  philosophers, writers, and  well  known  personality  can't  believe  in God  because  first  question  arise  that  really  God  exist  or not? Many  Atheistic literature like  (1) Bible  (2) Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel  Hawthorne  (3) Dr. Faustus . In Dr. Faustus  at  some point  we find  that  Dr.  Faustus  known as a  medavial  hero or Renaissance  man. He was very practical  man and he don't  believed in God also and we find many moral  conflicts  in his character.  Same  way we also have  many  morals  conflict  but  we have  some  fear regarding  disobeyed  God  and that's why  people  follow  blindly  God  and  left  the real morals  in our life.  Every  human  have  at some  point  atheism  in their  life  but they  don't have courage to  display.  Because  transparency is important.
               In Bollywood  also many movie  made  on this  subject . For example  1) pk 2) OMG.  In the  movie  OMG paresh rawal  present as an Atheist,  he fight  against the  theist . But  he had  many  high morals in his life  and he followed  very well because  logically  it's applicable  in life. So ,

" Atheism  is a religion itself,  complete  with  Fanatics and bigots ".  By  Vanna  Bonta

OD- 2017-18 Pehredaar Piya Ki

Respected sir,
        This serial became talk of the town now a days. But it is depend on our own choice. Because each coin has two saids. Let's us discuss  the " pehredaar piya ki".
    # My views
               This kind of things , means chilled marriage is not showing first time on television serial or not happened first time but it is our past , it shows our culture and past tradition. And this kind of story is different from " sas bahu" serials. We can't accept it because women character present elder then boy. And if we think that this type of serial harm our culture or children's mind so why we blame only this serial, many program and TV serials came these are also not good. So we have choice , what we want to watch we can watch. Not need to banned.
For example :-   In India people still believed that man ( groom) should be elder then women (bride) 3 to 5 years age Different
Is necessary. Because people believed that elder man is symbolically represented the maturity. But now in Bollywood we find many example in which the situation is different, but in reality it is difficult to exacppt . Everything is depend on our mentality.

My Views on Rakhi and Shitla Satam

Respected sir,

                It is really very truth, that  in India people don't remember scientist Edward Jener who saved many children from the disease of pox. I had an experience which I want to share here. This shitala satam we don't read the story of shitala satam, so at the end of the day our family members talked each other at that time my elder cousin brother asked to his mother that today you read the story or not? She said no. Than he said you forgot the God, you should read the story. At that time as a student of literature I said what is the need to read the story, at that time all family members looking me like I am an atheist, I said I am not against God, but not need to read the story but remember that person who protected from pox. Specially in 21st century ,So still it is difficult to accept the reality.specially for Gujarati people. Because our mind are conditioning.
         Same why this festival celebrates only brother and sister? why brother protect only sister? Sister also can. Because this day we celebrate as a form of love and with the hope of protection of each other, so same thing can be apply for all,  so we can celebrate same thing with rakhi with our  family members and in society also. The advertisement of idea gave the good idea about ' public or polish  ke bich bandhan' . So in this add man was polish but instead of man , woman can be there as a polish and we did same thing also with her , so this add became worth.

" ISI NO HATH" - Short story by Mahendrsinh Parmar

                 "ISI NO HATH", written by Mahendrsinh Parmar, which is published in "Polytechnic" book and this story is satire on religious people. It is X-Ray image of society.When we criticize this story, we can find that, How religious people behave? And conditions of poor people or middle class people. In this story what is done by all three characters is natural to all human beings that they have to do in that situation. The real religion is humanity not any particular religion. We can see some similarities in the movie "OMG". Recently one Gujarati movie released named " Thai Jase". We find some situation related to the land and conditions of middle class people. One dialogue from this movie,                                                     " Jaruriyat mate koi manas dhandho  kare te chaale, pan jaruriyat ne j dhandho banavi nakhavano?"                                       
                  This story gave the real knowledge not only information. We can say that literature make real difference in human life.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Review of play - YOUGPURUSH

                                                           Review of play - YUGPURUSH
Image result for images of play yugpurush
                                                                                                                             4th August 2017
You can read Other reviews and more detail here
                            “ YUGPURUSH Mahatma na Mahatma” it was very wonderful play. This play organised in many country as well as city also, they celebrated 150th Anniversary of Srimadji .Very enthusiastically 35 students of Department of English were participated in this event, at Yashvantray Natyagruh.

                            This play based on the life of Gandhiji and his spiritual GuruRajchadra. In this play property used well. And this play performed in flashback technique. Acting of all the charecters were really very good. ( Wikipedia)

                               Shrimadji was born on the auspicious day of Kartik purnima on 9th November, 1867 in Vavania, Gujrat. So this play shows the important parts of Gandhjii’s life ,that how Mohan became Mahatma. Gandhiji learned so many things from Rajchandraji like Ahimsa, satyagrah, Brhamcharya vrat etc. Srimadji became a gudie of Mohan, after some time when Ghandhi went out of India they communicate through letters .How Srimadji can did many things at a same time, and it is known as a Satavdhan .

                             So, as a student of literature we learned many things from this play, so thanks Barad sir for providing such a wonderful opportunity.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Play - Digdarshak

                  Today at Department of English,  the Film Screening Committee organised the show of play " Digdarshak" , which was performed in eNatya Shoth 2017 - Online one Act completion. This play written by priyam Jani and directed by Rishit Jhaveri.

                  This session  became very knowledgeable for us, because as a student of literature it's a good opportunity to watch drama.This play taught many things related to theater and how can we perform drama well. And both the characters are Gujarati and they performed Hindi drama so it's a good job because it's little bit difficult also. They used very less property as well as in a simple dress ( Black and white clothes) they performed good, because their acting was superb, flashback technique  used well in this dram , and only two characters cover entire stage , and how beautifully both characters means Actor and directer played more role at a same time.

Image result for images plot, rising and falling action
      This play also follow same pattern. The main themes   of this play are 1) Cinema V/S Theater : , in which we find during the watching play that , how the man of theater try to save the original form of art like drama . And it's very debatable point also, and performed this point in very interesting way also in drama. But directer of this play not criticized any of one but he try to gave important of  balance of both the things.   2) Sacrifice for the theater: As a artist which kind of sacrifice this character  did it shows very well. 3) Theater vs Family: this play gave the massage that balance is necessary between your personal and professional life, " Apno ko Janna vo bhi ek Kala hai ". spend some time for your family also. so, symbol and language also used well. 

                                   Myth of Ashwatthama also symbolically represent.  Relation of student as an  artist and teacher as a trainer are also portrayed good. So such an interesting play.  This play is like a Kunstlerroman play.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Blog task - " To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf

This blog is a part of my thinking activity for the novel " To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf
Image result for images of lighthouse

  1. How can you explain that 'what' Virginia Woolf wanted to say (for example, the complexity of human relationship, the everyday battles that people are at in their relationship with near and dear ones, the struggle of a female artist against the values of middle/upper class society etc) can only be said in the way she has said? (Key: The 'How' of the narrative technique is to be discussed along with features of Stream of Consciousness technique which helps Woolf to put in effective manner what she experienced in abstractions.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ans.  Virginia Woolf as woman writer when we see at that time we can say that compare to men all women are more sensitive and this quality we can feel in the writing style of women, here in this novel we can find that how she portrayed minute observation of all the character because as a woman she very much aware the problems of family, woman situation , relationship of each other etc, and through the stream of consciousness technique she expressed well. she portrayed the psychology of the all character. In the Chartres of Mrs.Ramsay and Lily Briscoe, we find the struggle of women, how james hatred his father ,Had there been an axe handy, a poker, or any weapon that would have gashed a hole in his father's breast and killed him, there and then, James would have seized it.” – Part 1 . so we can say that she represent good human psyche, and their relation. And these type of sensitive or social problems women writers or film maker shows well in many movies also. For ex-" Lipstick under my burka"  script written by Alankrita Shrivastav

  • 2. Do you agree: "The novel is both the tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay"? (Key: Take some clues from the painting of Mrs Ramsay drawn by Lily Briscoe and the article by Andre Viola and Glenn Pedersen. Can we read Mrs. R in context of the idea of Ideal Indian Woman - Karyeshu dasi, Karaneshu manthri; Bhojeshu mata, Shayaneshu rambha; Kshamayeshu dharithri, Roopeshu lakshmi; Satkarma yukta, Kuladharma pathni. )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ans.  Yes, the novel is both tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay. She is good as house wife, good wife and being human also. Her nature was also very kind, because we find in novel that how she helped her ill relatives.But her behavior was good more only for man like her husband and james, not towards her daughters and lily. Though she can live in whole novel after her death as a character she achieved succeed of tribute. But on the other side when we read article we can said that the character of Mrs,Ramsay is " Gray", " as a Victorian mother", " Angle in the House" or " Bad" mother. 
  • 3. Considering symbolically, does the Lighthouse stand for Mrs. Ramsay or the narrator                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ans.    As it is suggested in presentation and in article also, so we can interpret that Lighthouse stands as a symbol of Mrs. Ramsay. Her character portrayed the whole womanhood , she became the central character of the novel. Lighthouse symbolically represent for strength , guidance and harbor same way mrs. Ramsay stands as guiding star and harbours emotional safety to other like family and guests. like a spiritual bridge. when Mrs. Ramsay praise lighthouse at that time she praise herself.on the other side we can say that Mrs.Ramsay become wall rather than Bridge as per poojaba madam said in her comments. Because narrator and lily both are more significant as a symbol of Lighthouse, through what they did, " Women can speak , write, and paint also". 
  • 5.  What do you understand by the German term 'Künstlerroman'? How can you justify that 'To The Lighthouse' is 'Künstlerroman' novel?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ans.   " To the Lighthouse" is many way we can say " Kunstlerroman" means artistic growth, struggle of an artist . Bildungsroman is another word for it.Novel it self a very artistic and in this novel writer used many artist and their struggle like Lily Briscoe as painter that how she achieved their goal at the end, and Augustus Carmichael  as a poet first he can't write during war time his poetry became famous. so quality come when moment of crises come. 
  • 11. How is India represented in 'To The Lighthouse'?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ans.  Many characteristics of this novel are mach with indianness. Because in this novel we find the " Ruled India" means patriarchy. Mr. Ramsay is more powerful rather than Mrs. Ramsay. Mrs. Ramsay is like purely Indian Mother ,who pampered husband ego and carrying all the family members.  Augustus Carmichael visits to India ,because that time India  as land of desire to visit and exotic land.