Moby dick The novel “Moby dick” is written by Herman Melvill. He was an American writer. Ahab is the protagonist and the captain of the ship named “ Pequod”. It is a whaling ship which goes for a huge voyage to hunt whales at the beginning of the novel. Which is destroyed by a white whale at the end of the novel.

“ Moby dick” is a maritime story of a whale hunt, representing American spirit of restlessness and adventure. The novel is much more than just heroic story. Ishmael is the narrator of the novel and the ship. In this novel Capitan Ahab wants to kill the white whale, and this white whale is Moby dick. Ahab is eager to kill Moby dick because once he tried to kill Moby dick attacked on Ahab and snatched his one leg. So Ahab takes revenge to kill Moby dick. Ishmael is a narrator he is only one who survive till the end of the novel. So , in this novel we can find the Moby dick ( White whale ) used as an archetypal symbol. And we find at the end that Ahab lost his life because of his ego and revenge.
So, we find the two journey , one is voyage it is outer journey and another is in the mind of Ishmael. And nature win at the end.
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