Hello Readers,
Here i am sharing one blog on Derrida's Deconstuction, which is a part of my acdemic task.
Deconstruction is term given by Derrida, and Derrida himself said that it is difficult to understand. Deconstruction is not negative term but through this term Derrida try to difine something. Post- structuralist also go into this subject and try to search in deep. Derrida said that " Language bears within itself necessrily of its own critique". It is " Deconstruction has nothing to do with destruction". Deconstruction means some event or play or anything but in which some loose point is there and it's became the Deconstruction of it. In which we can't find any particular meanning., because one meanning gave anoyher one meanning .

Here i want to give example of movie BADRINATH KI DULHANIA. In which the problem of dowry described. so i have question that in the 21st century , movie made on this subject. In the some part of India this problem we find ,so still we watched this types of movies in which the this type of problem like dowery described. on the other side we enjoyed modern type of cultuer, and we watched movie like dangal also related to women empowerment. so how it is possible that people think on this serious topic and stop this kind of things after watching this movie, specially in India. Because one way or other way people take dowery with verious new way. And in this movie Badrinath became good. He denied dowry after he fall in love with Aaliya ( vaidehi ). is it possible for Indian Boys or family ? that is the question.
Here i am sharing one blog on Derrida's Deconstuction, which is a part of my acdemic task.
Deconstruction is term given by Derrida, and Derrida himself said that it is difficult to understand. Deconstruction is not negative term but through this term Derrida try to difine something. Post- structuralist also go into this subject and try to search in deep. Derrida said that " Language bears within itself necessrily of its own critique". It is " Deconstruction has nothing to do with destruction". Deconstruction means some event or play or anything but in which some loose point is there and it's became the Deconstruction of it. In which we can't find any particular meanning., because one meanning gave anoyher one meanning .
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